- Object number1903.35A
- Object
- Creator
- DescriptionGeneral Description: Electroplated Art Nouveau decorative book binding in three sections. The binding is made up of the front, spine and reverse which has a latch for snapping shut. The front and reverse panels are beaten around the border to create 'dimples' in the metal. In each corner a moulded angel points their feet in towards the centre. Across the centre is a heraldic cross pierced with Celtic style motifs and an angel with its back turned - the Figure of Truth. The reverse panel is identical except for a front facing angel and a square clasp depicting a winged cherub - the Figure of Knowledge. The spine cover is plain save for two horizontal rows of cut circles and a square section cut to depict a crouching cherub. Engraved at the bottom with 'Union of London, 1st Jan, 1896' (the commissioners). The reverse of all three are covered in 'split pins' showing how they would have been attached to a book cover. Reproduction of an original designed by Miss L Simpson, Art Union, London, 1896. (, )
- Production date, 1896
- Production placeLondon
- Materialwhole: electroplate
- Dimensions
- whole length 24 cm
- whole width 17.5 cm
- whole width 5.5 cm
- whole length 9.5 ins
- whole width 7 ins
- whole width 2.25 ins
- Inscription
Inscription, bottom, : {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Segoe UI;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs18 Union of London, 1st Jan, 1896\par }
- Production reasonCommissioned by the Art Union of London.