- Object numberCOP40.13
- TitleDavid Garrick, as Abel Drugger, Mr Burton and Mr Palmer as Subtle and Face in The Alchemist
- Object
- CreatorZoffany (after) (Artist), J. Dixon (Print Maker/Publisher)
- DescriptionGeneral Description: Whole-length portrait of the three characters on the stage. Burton stands on the left using his finger to point at Garrick, who stands on the far right, holding a pipe in his hands. Palmer stands between the men with his hands on his hips, smiling and looking at Garrick. After Zoffany. (Leedham, Susan, 2018-01-25)
- Technique
- Inscription
inscribed lettering, below, : {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Segoe UI;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs18 '"I Zoffany Pinxt./ Publishd according to Act of Parliament January the 12th 1771 by John Dixon in Kemps Row opposite Ranelagh Chelsea and Sold by A Dury in Dukes Court St Martins Lane Ca. Bowles in St. Pauls Church Yard and J. Boydel Cheapside/ David Garrick in the character of Abel Drugger, Mr. Burton and Mr. Palmer in the characters of Subtle and Face. The Alchemist. / To Fredk Howard Earl of Carlisle Vict. Morpeth/ This Plate is humbly Inscribed by his Lordships Obedt Servt, John Dixon/ J Dixon Fecit'.\par }
- Associations
Named Collection: Cottonian Collection