- Object numberCOP41.15
- TitleDido and Aeneas
- Object
- Creator
- DescriptionGeneral Description: This print was removed from its bound album in the early-20th century to be displayed in the swing frames in the former Cottonian Gallery (c.1915-2016). A note marks its former location in the volume, likely in the hand of Henry Snell (early Curator of the collection). The print is now stored independently of the bound volume (see location tab). (Leedham, Susan, 2018-02-05)
- Production period18th century
- School/styleEnglish
- Inscription
handwritten, inserted, : {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Segoe UI;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\sb100\sa100\f0\fs18 'Removed from here. Dido and Aeneas.Engraved by Woollett, 1787 after a painting by J. james. Screen 7' \par } (Description: Print removed from volume in early-20th century. Handwritten page with title and artist marking it's former location.)
- Associations
Named Collection: Cottonian Collection