- Object numberCOP45.1
- TitleThe Rest on the Flight into Egypt
- Object
- CreatorAnthony (after) Van Dyck (Artist), Bolswert (Engraver)
- DescriptionGeneral Description: Print after Antony Van Dyck of The Holy Family on the flight to Egypt. Centre, the Madonna craddles the infant Jesus on her lap. To the left, Joseph watched on. (Leedham, Susan, 2018-02-07)
- Production date, , 1630 - 1635
- Production period17th century
- School/styleFlemish
- Technique
- Inscription
inscribed lettering, below: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Segoe UI;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs18 'Ne fua, dum dormit, ne quis malus vbera prenset, Lacfifluum palma marmor vtrag premit. Parce metu Puer quifquam te mollius illa Sugere, vel Matri charior effe queat? Venerando adm. atq ervdito Dno D. Theod. Walfmanno van Dyck, S.T.B Ecclesiae D. michaelis ord. praem Antverpia Canonico Praebitero, fratri, fuo germano Dedicabat Ant. van Dyck. Anton Van. Dyck inven. Cum Privilegio Regis S.a Bolswert Sculp.' \par } (Description: In latin)
- Associations
Named Collection: Cottonian Collection