- رقم الكائنPPP-MS 33
- اسم الكائن
- المنشيء
- الوصفGeneral Description: Milestone on the turnpike branch road from Tamerton Foliot to the main Plymouth to Tavistock turnpike road. Free standing. Milestone Society ref DV_PLTV06. (, )
- مادة
Inscription, Incised: T/VIII/P&D/VI
- مكان الإنتاجFore Street Tamerton Foliot
- SX 4694 6096. WGS84: 50.4282, -4.1563
- In Fore Street Tamerton Foliot opposite Queen's Arms pub. Beside corner of wall by Island Cottage. Under bush by junction with Station Road. Appears to have been moved more than once.