- رقم الكائن1904.42
- اسم الكائن
- المنشيء
- الوصفGeneral Description: Electrotype copy of Hungarian tankard of 1605 in the collections of the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. The handle is long with beading along the top, ending in a shield at the bottom with a figure of a woman's head etched in relief with classical swathes and cherub's faces. On the top, a large cockerel protrudes holding a shield depicting arms, 'SH' and 1605. The body of the tankard is intricately etched and relieved with swathes and floral designs. It also depicts, in three scenes, the figure of Eve in the garden, at first with a snake, then with the apple and then with two children. (, )
Associated Information: Information from the Victoria & Albert Museum: Electrotypes are exact copies of metal objects. This new process was a by-product of the invention of electroplating (silver plating by electrolysis), which Elkington and Company patented in the 1840s. As Penny Magazine wrote in 1844, the novelty of using electricity to create silver was difficult to understand 'in the sober light of industrial processes'. Early experiments, often by amateur scientists using Elkington’s home electroplating kits, involved coating fruit, flowers and animals in silver or gold 'with the most perfect accuracy'. They 'retained all the characteristics of the specimens before their immersion'. A lucrative market for recreating famous works of art in metal beckoned. Henry Cole, the first director of the South Kensington Museum (V&A), quickly grasped the educational potential of this new technique. Elkington’s agreed to take moulds of historic objects in the Museum, create copies in a base metal and then electroplate them. These could be sold freely as reproductions, with a gold, silver or bronze finish, provided they bore the South Kensington Museum’s official stamp. To avoid breaking English hallmarking laws, all marks were to be deleted from copies of silver objects. Elkington’s display of electrotypes at the 1867 Paris Exhibition proved extremely popular and prompted Cole to organise a Convention at which 14 European countries agreed to exchange works of art. Representatives of Elkington’s and the V&A sent staff to Germany, Sweden, France, Denmark and Hungary. The most ambitious trip, to Moscow and St. Petersburg in 1880, secured copies of over 200 items from the Kremlin and the Hermitage, including the celebrated Jerningham Wine Cooler (Gallery 66) and Elizabethan and Stuart silver sent as ambassadorial gifts to the Tsars. By 1920 the V&A held over 1000 electrotypes. Copies toured the country as part of the museum’s educational programmes and were sold to the public and to museums and art schools (, ) - التاريخ, 1880 - 1890
- مكان الإنتاجBirmingham
- فترة الإنتاج19th century
- مادةwhole: electrotype
- الأبعاد
- whole length 34 cm
- whole width 15 cm
- whole length 13.5 ins
- whole width 6 ins
Maker's mark, base, stamp: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Segoe UI;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs18 a crown with 'VR', circled with 'Department of Science and Art, Elkington'\par }