رقم الكائن
Cook's Last Voyage
اسم الكائن
Researcher Comments: The three volumes account of Captain James Cook's final Voyage of Discovery undertaken 1776-1780. The voyage was undertaken to determine the existence of a North West passage - a passage linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans voiding the need to travel via the Capes - and to return Omai to his home in Tahiti. Although not discovering a passage, Cook made first contact with the Hawaiian islands, as well as visiting New Zealand, Van Diemen Land and charted the majority of the North American north-west coastline and determined the existence of Alaska. It was on this voyage that Cook was killed upon returning to the Hawaiian islands on the 14th February 1779. After Cook's death, Clerke assumed command of the voyage. (Leedham, Susan, 2018-03-14)
, , 1784, 1784, 1784
مكان الإنتاج
, London (Printer), London (Bookseller), London (Bookseller)
فترة الإنتاج
18th century
Named Collection: Cottonian Collection