- رقم الكائنCB687.1
- العنوانApollonius Tyaneus
- اسم الكائن
- المنشيءSebastien le Nain de Tillemont (Author (primary)), Robert Jenkin (Translator), S. Smith (Bookseller), B. Walford (Bookseller)
- الوصفGeneral Description: Tillemont, Sébastien le Nain de (1637-1698) An Account of the Life of Apollonius Tyaneus. By M. Le Nain de Tillemont. Translated out of French. To which are added, Some Observations upon Apollonius [by Robert Jenkin]. London: 1702. [ii], xxiv, [iv], 88, [4]p. 18cm. (, )
- التاريخ, , , 1702, 1702
- مكان الإنتاج, London (Bookseller), London (Bookseller)
- فترة الإنتاج18th century
Named Collection: Cottonian Collection