- رقم الكائنCOP41.3
- العنوانRoman Edifices in Ruins
- اسم الكائن
- المنشيء
- الوصفGeneral Description: Pastoral landscape with depiction of ancient classical ruins, including the Arch of Titus on the far left. Three figures and animals are depicted in the foreground on the shoreline. (Leedhams, Susan, 2018-01-05)
- التاريخ, , , 1772
- مكان الإنتاج, London (Publisher)
- فترة الإنتاج18th century
- مدرسة/أسلوبEnglish
- تقنية
inscribed lettering, below, : {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Segoe UI;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs18 'Roman Edifices in Ruins. The allegorical engraving of the Empire. From the original in the collection of the Earl of Radmor. Claude Loraine Pixat. William Woollett Sculp. Published June 24th 1772 by John Boydell. Engraver in Cheapside, London.' \par }
Named Collection: Cottonian Collection