- Número del objetoPLYMG.2015.93C
- TítuloThe Sparke Cup
- Nombre del objeto
- CreadorThomas Jenkins (Silversmith), Joseph Wilcockes (Engraver)
- DescripciónGeneral Description: Silver-gilt salver. Chased and embossed with a scrolling foliate pattern. The cup has two large, leaf-capped scrolled handles and the cover has an acanthus finial. (, )
Associated Information: The cup and salver were purchased by the city of Plymouth in 1680. The Receiver’s Book for that year states: “£37 10s paid for a large silver salver Cawdle Cupp and cover, embost and thick washed with gold weighing 75 ounces, given to John Spark one of the burgesses in Parliament for this Borough, in token of the Respect and Gratitude of this Towne for his faithfull and diligent service.” At this point the city also paid local silversmith, Joseph Wilcockes, 10s ‘for ingraving the severall Arms of this Burrough and of the said Mr Sparke on the said plate.’ The arms of the city of Plymouth and of John Sparke appear pricked on each side of the cup and on the salver. (, ) - Fecha, 1672 - 1673, 1680
- Lugar de producciónLondon (Silversmith), Plymouth (Engraver)
- Materialwhole: silver gilt
- Técnica
- Dimensiones
- salver diameter 37.5 cm
- 95 mm
- 380 mm
- 1.6 kg
coat of arms, centre of salver, front of cup, pricked: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Segoe UI;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs18 Coats of Arms\par } (Description: Sparke Family Coat of Arms Plymouth Coat of Arms)
- Línea de créditoAcquired with the assistance of the Art Fund, Arts Council England/Victoria and Albert Museum Purchase Grant Fund and the Friends of Plymouth City Museum & Art Gallery.