N° d'objet
Guilim's Heraldry
Nom d'objet
General Description: Guillim, John (1565-1621)
A Display of heraldry. By John Guillim | The Sixth Edition. Improv'd with large Additions of | Coats of Arms | with good Authorities from the Ashmolean Library, Sir George Mackenzie | With his Tract of Precedency | To which is added, A Treatise of Honour Military and Civil | By Capt. John Logan | A Supplement of Scarce Tracts relating to the Office of Arms, taken from Authentick Copies. And A Dictionary, explaining the several Terms used by Heralds, in English, Latin and French |
London, 1724.
[xii], 20, 460, [4], 275, 58, 24, [22]p., front., illus., 63 plates. 39½cm. (, )
, , 1724, 1724, 1724
Lieu de création
, London (Printer), London (Bookseller), London (Bookseller)
Période de création
18th century
Named Collection: Cottonian Collection