- Numero oggetto1942.47
- TitoloEddystone Standing Salt
- Nome oggetto
- CreatorePeter Rowe (Maker)
- DescrizioneGeneral Description: The Eddystone Lighthouse Salt. A late 17th Century condiment compendium in the form of The Eddystone Lighthouse, composed of six stacking sections and two removable elements, comprising a container 4.4oz., a container with pierced grille 3.0oz. and 0.8oz, a container 2.3oz., a salt cellar 3.8oz., a caster 2.6oz., a finial 2.7oz. and a detachable ladder 0.2oz. (, )
Additional Information: Peter Rowe was a silversmith based in Plymouth. He produced items of Church Plate as well as domestic wares. During 1690, Rowe was constable for the Old Town ward Parish and was also a Surveyor of Highways for St Andrews parish. Records show that he leased a premise on Whimple Street. (, ) - Data, 1698 ?
- Luogo di produzionePlymouth (Maker)
- Periodo di produzione17th century
- Materialewhole: silver
- Dimensioni
- container weight 4.4 oz
- container weight 3 oz
- container weight 0.8 oz
- container weight 2.3 oz
- salt cellar weight 3.8 oz
- caster weight 2.6 oz
- finial weight 2.7 oz
- ladder weight 0.2 oz
Maker's mark, : {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Segoe UI;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs18 Rowe, Plymo Britan\par } Interpretation: for Peter Rowe of Plymouth, circa 1698
Grant: National Art Collections Fund- Plymouth City Council (Arts & Heritage)