[nb-NO]Object number[nb-NO]
Strutt's Antiquit
[nb-NO]Object name[nb-NO]
General Description: Strutt, Joseph (c.1749-1802) or A compleat view of the Manners, Customs, Arms, Habits, &c. of the inhabitants of England, from the Arrival of the Saxons, till the Reign of Henry the Eighth. With a short account of the Britons, during the Government of the Romans | By Joseph Strutt. London: 1775 - 1776. 3 vols., 158 plates. 29½cm. (, )
, , 1775
- 1776
[nb-NO]Production place[nb-NO]
, London (Bookseller)
[nb-NO]Production period[nb-NO]
18th century
Named Collection: Cottonian Collection