- Objectnummer1904.49
- Objectnaam
- Vervaardiger
- BeschrijvingGeneral Description: Electrotype copy of a 17th Century German silver git cup and cover, in the collection of the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. Elaborate and intricate cup with lid. Decorated with moulded bosses on the stand, cup and lid. Additional fine wreaths of electroplate have been added as a fringe around the stem and on top of the lid. (, )
- Datum, 1880 c - 1900
- Vervaardiging plaatsBirmingham
- Vervaardiging periode19th century
- Materiaalwhole: electroplate
- Formaat
- whole length 26 cm
- whole width 7.5 cm
- whole length 10.25 ins
- whole width 3 ins
Maker's stamp, underside, : (Description: crown with 'VR', circled with Department of Science and Art, Elkington'. Reproduction Maker's medallion.)