- ObjectnummerCB176
- TitelS. A. L. Coins
- Objectnaam
- VervaardigerMartin Folkes (Author (primary)), John Ward (Editor), Andrew Gifford (Editor), Society of Antiquaries (Publisher)
- BeschrijvingGeneral Description: Folkes, Martin (1690-1754) Tables of English silver and gold coins: First published by Martin Folkes, Esq; And now Re-printed, With plates and explanations, By the Society of Antiquaries, London. 1763. 1761. 3 pts. [in 1], 67 plates. 29½cm. (, )
- Datum, , , , 1763
- Vervaardiging plaats, London (Publisher)
- Vervaardiging periode18th century
Named Collection: Cottonian Collection