- ObjectnummerCB307.2
- TitelStone-Heng
- Objectnaam
- VervaardigerWalter Charleton (Author (primary)), Henry Herringman (Bookseller)
- BeschrijvingGeneral Description: Charleton, Walter (1619-1707) Chorea Gigantum, or, The most Famous Antiquity of Great-Britan, Vulgarly called Stone-Heng, Standing on Salisbury Plain, Restored to the Danes; By Walter Charleton. London, 1663. [xvi], 64p., 2 plates. 18½cm. (, )
- Datum, , 1663
- Vervaardiging plaats, London (Bookseller)
- Vervaardiging periode17th century
Named Collection: Cottonian Collection