- 1book, CB1061
Eusebius Ecclesias History
Eusebius of Caesarea (Author (primary)), Socrates of Constantinople (Author 2), Evagrius (Author 2), Henry de Valois (Editor), E. D. Wells (Contributor), J.M. (Printer), M.J. (Synonym), Awnsham and John Churchill (Bookseller) - 2book, CB967
Whichcot select sermons
Benjamin Whichcote (Author (primary)), Anthony Ashley Cooper (Contributor), Awnsham and John Churchill (Bookseller) - 3book, CB994
The Historical library of Diodorus the Sicilian.
Diodorus Siculus (Author (primary)), G. Booth (Translator), Edw. Jones (Printer), Awnsham and John Churchill, and others (Bookseller)