- 1book, CB1265
... Homeri Ilias, Et Veterum in Eam Scholia, Quae vulgo appellantur Didymi: ...
Homerus Iliad (Author (primary)), Henri (ed) Estienne (Author (primary)), - 2book, CB1275
Homeri Ilias graeca et latine, annotationes in usum ...
Homerus (Author (primary)), Samuel (ed) Clarke (Author (primary)), - 3book, CB1276
Homeri Odyssea graece et latine, edidit, Annotationesque ...
Homerus Odyssey (Author (primary)), Samuel (ed) Clarke (Author (primary)), - 4book, CB698
Hobbe's Homer
Homerus (Author (primary)), Thomas Hobbes (Translator), Will. Crook (Bookseller) - 5book, CB739
The Iliad of Homer. Translated by Mr. Pope....
Homerus Iliad (Author (primary)), Alexander (tr) Pope (Author (primary)), - 6book, CB740
The Odyssey of Homer. Translated from the Greek....
Homerus (Author (primary)), Alexander (tr) Pope (Author (primary)), Thomas (tr) Parnell (Author (primary)), - 7book, CB886
Dryden's Fables
John Dryden (Author (primary)), Homer (Author 2), Ovid (Author 2), Boccace (Author 2), Chaucer (Author 2), John Dryden (Translator), J. and R. Tonson (Publisher), S. Draper (Bookseller)