- 1book, CB1252
Boyer's Dictionary
Abel Boyer (Author (primary)), D. Midwinter, [and others] (Bookseller) - 2book, CB507
Joseph Addison (Author (primary)), D. Midwinter (Bookseller), J. Tonson (Bookseller) - 3book, CB690
L. A. Florus
Lucius Annaeus Florus (Author (primary)), D. Midwinter (Bookseller), T.W. (Printer) - 4book, CB695
Justin. by T. Brown. & O. Dykes
Justinus (Author (primary)), Thomas Brown (Translator), O. Dykes (Editor), J. and B. and others Sprint (Bookseller), D. Midwinter (Publisher), H. Clements (Publisher) - 5book, CB753
Ben Johnson
Ben Jonson (Author (primary)), Peter Whalley (Editor), D. Midwinter, [and others] (Bookseller)