- 1book, CB1238
Modern Gardening
Thomas ? Whateley (Author (primary)), T. Payne (Bookseller) - 2book, CB1466
Medea and Jason. A poem in three books
Apollonius Rhodius (Author (primary)), Jeffrey Ekins (Translator), H. Hughs (Printer), T. Payne (Bookseller) - 3book, CB680.2
the playwright Aristophanes (Author (primary)), James White (Translator), T. Payne (Bookseller) - 4book, CB729
Description of the Beauchamp Chapel, adjoining to the church of St. Mary, at Warwick....
Richard Gough (Author (primary)), J. Nicols and son (Printer), T. Payne (Bookseller), J. White (Bookseller) - 5book, CB897
Rowley's poems
Thomas Chatterton (Author (primary)), Thomas Rowley (Author 2), Thomas Tyrwhitt (Editor), T. and Son Payne (Bookseller)